Friday, September 4, 2009

Sloan orientation and fall semester

Sloan orientation wrapped up last night after 4 days of informative lectures, meeting a new team, and a number of social events.  The class is split up into six different cohorts which are given ocean names and take core classes together.  I’m in the Indian Ocean.  Each ocean then has teams of six or seven that do group projects together similar to our LGO summer teams.

For the fall I will be taking five classes for my MBA, two engineering electives, and two courses as part of the LGO curriculum.  I will also continue to participate on committees and possibly join some Sloan clubs.  It will be a very busy semester. 

To add to the fun Kerin and I found our recently that we will need to move again.  We currently live in a three family in Cambridge but the owners are selling it to someone who wants to convert the building into stand alone condos.  That means he needs to do some significant renovations and we’ll have to find a new place to live.  Luckily we kept all of our boxes and we have a lot of experience packing.